Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tarot Card Meaning- Eight Of Cups

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Self sacrifice is likely to be asked of you. Beware of quarrels; use caution in negotiating affairs of the heart.

Attention span are running short so don't take anything too personally. Count your blessings and try to be content with what you have.The most basic tarot card meaning of Eight of Cups is it speaks of situation or relationship which has been significant.

Energy and emotion have been invested during the past and now you are moving away and abandoning what has been achieved.

Sometimes you realize that a relationship or project was not what you thought it was. It lacks substance somehow and has not brought you the happiness you imagined it would. You feel empty.

Another tarot card meaning of Eight of Cups is an actual journey or a period of restless traveling. These trips may eventually provide the answers to whats been bugging you.

Tarot Card Meaning-Eight of Cups reversed.

Emotions run high. Let go of situations that no longer concern you. Spend some time and money on the things that make you feel good.

A period of emotional confusion is the basic tarot card meaning of Eight of Cups reversed.

Fantasies are preferred to reality. There is a feeling of quiet desperation. Its hard to see the way ahead.

Another tarot card meaning of Eight of Cups reversed is physical exhaustion. There are too many problems and not enough energy to solve them. A failed relationship is often the caused of this. An endless search for perfection in either work or love. As perfection is unattainable, the search ends in disappointment.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

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