Friday, February 6, 2009

Tarot Meaning- The Fool

The previous post here on Tarot meaning blog wasThe Empress

The Fool suggests the optimistic child in all of us. It means independence,eccentricity, sudden flashes of intuition, freedom and inventiveness. When you get this card, you are not afraid of adventure and insecurity.

The tarot meaning of The Fool advises you to let go, take a risk, don't worry about what people think. Kill others with kindness and let them suffer the consequences of their actions.

The Fool is also someone unconventional could come into your life. This person could show you surprising solutions to your problems. It can also refer to someone with sexual ambivalence, bisexuality or homosexuality.

Tarot Meaning- The Fool reversed

Schedules are full, time is at a premium. Postpone business decisions temporarily. Use discretion and patience. Look before you leap. This is not the time to take a risk, change your job or trust anyone you don't know very well.

If you are thinking of starting a romantic relationship take it slowly, your potential partner may be wishy washy, giving you mixed signals. Wait a while before committing yourself.

The next post will be the tarot meaning of The Emperor.

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