Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tarot Meaning-Ace of Pentacles

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information.

Security,contentment,solidity and permanence are all basic tarot meaning of Ace of Pentacles.

Relationships or working partnership are peaceful. This is agreat time to apply for new work or seek a promotion.

Another important tarot meaning of Ace of Pentacles is you can expect financial improvement. Money is on the way. You will soon feel comfortable.

You will receive substantial bonus or benefit from profit sharing schemes. This card suggests windfalls and gains through gambling and or cash gifts.

Tarot Meaning-Ace of Pentacles reversed

The basic tarot meaning of this card's position is financial difficulties. Money may be tight.

Beware of reckless irresponsible people. Surround yourself with colleagues looking out for your best interests.

Another tarot meaning of Ace of Pentacles reversed is that someone who is already financially secure even wealthy but who cannot resist trying to make more money or acquire more possessions.

This position may point to corrupt business dealings.embezzlement or fraud.

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Tarot Meaning- Ace of Wands

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You may discover a new fascinating interest or creative hobby. The tarot meaning of Ace Of Wands is career opportunities and exciting new interests in working life.

Now is the time to be sending out resumes,starting a new enterprise or starting a journey.

Tarot Meaning-Ace of Wands reversed

Your creativity an intuition are blocked. Delays,impatience and frustrations are all basic tarot meaning of this card's positon.

Impotence and frigidity can hamper your s%xual relationship. There may be some trouble if trying to conceive a child.

It pains you whne others ask when you don't know the answers. Remain strong.

Thanks for visiting Tarot Meaning Information. The next post will be the tarot meaning of Ace of Pentacles.

Tarot Meaning -Ace of Swords

The tarot meaning of Ace of Swords is clarity and power of air. It signifies mental changes,fresh ways of thinking and intellectual process.

This is a good time to push ahead with ideas,contract negotiations and other legal matters. Don't let your ego get in the way.

Goals you can meet quickly are better than long term ones. Another important tarot meaning of Ace of Swords are the laws of karma, the laws of cause and effect. What you sow you will reap.

Tarot Meaning-Ace of Swords reversed

The basic tarot meaning of this card's position is that things are out of balance. Expect delays,misunderstandings and quarrels.

An invisible puppet master seems to be pulling the strings, delighting in destroying your expectations, plans or schemes.

Ace of Swords reversed suggests mental stress. Practice patience and perseverance. This is a good time for some solo work. In your dealings with others dont distort the facts.

Thank you for visiting Tarot Meaning Information. The next post will be the tarot meaning of Ace of Wands.

Tarot Meaning-Ace of Cups

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information.

The Ace of Cups signifies joy, happiness, love and deep abiding friendships.

When you draw the Ace of Cups in a tarot reading, you are about to be inspired. Such inspiration may come through a new important love affair.

If you are concern about career matters this card indicates an extremely productive phase. Fulfilling projects, meaningful achievements and very good rapport with colleagues are all tarot meaning of the Ace of Cups.

Another important tarot meaning of Ace of Cups is mutual passion is experienced.

If you are seriously involved this cards suggests an exceptionally loving phase.Babies are born or conceived,gifts receive and frienfships strengthened are all basic tarot meaning of Ace of Cups.

Tarot Meaning -Ace of Cups reversed

This position can sometimes signify as unrealistic love affair which has been rather one sided.

You or someone close may be running away from your feelings is the tarot meaning of this card's position. One person has poured outlove and affection, the other has taken without contributing much.

One partner may be out of touch with his or her emotions and so the relationship is unable to flourish.

Another tarot meaning of the Ace of Cups reversed is that there is a deep need for tender loving care.

Thanks for visiting Tarot Meaning Information. The next post will be about the tarot meaning of Ace of Swords.

Tarot Meaning-The World

The Tarot Meaning of the World is success, fulfillment,completion and accomplishment.

You have reached yet another cycle in your life like finished important project at work, creative endeavour of your own or a long term course of education,starting a family and leaving behind the single life.

Another important tarot meaning of The World is journey,new home,new place of work,change of environment usually denotes change for the better.

Tarot Meaning The World reversed

Completion is still implied but it has been delayed. There is something else that needs to be done before completion may be finalized.

Resolutions may come slowly but will be worthwhile when they arrive is another basic tarot meaning of this card's position.

There is some unfinished business to be resolved between you and your partner.

Try to come to terms with your past and realize that living in its shadows may be preventing future happiness.

Open your heart, there is nothing to fear a positive relationship lies ahead.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tarot Meaning Of Judgment

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information.

Judgment can signify decisions. Such decisions are usually pressing and must be made if you want your life to improve. Rest assured your decision will have a positive outcome.

You feel restored and renewed mentally,physically and emotionally often all three is the basic tarot meaning of Judgment.

This is a positive card to draw if you are concerned about you health or that of someone else. It indicates that healing has taken place and the person is back on her or his feet.

Whether career change, promotion or retirement lies ahead, you have reached the end of cycle and something stimulating and intersting follows.

Tarot Meaning Judgment reversed

A decision which made to be is delayed this is making a stagnant pause in your life.

Now is the time to make up your mind once and for all. Another important tarot meaning of this card's position is fear of change, another reason for delaying decisions and sitting on the fence. Your desire to escape is strong. Keep your ears open and your mouth closed.

Listen. Read all the fine print. Self esteem is low and needs a boost.

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Tarot Meaning Of The Sun

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information.

The tarot meaning of the Sun is that you are glowing with good health. You are able to achieve your dreams. You are likely to win the approval of others.

Another important tarot meaning of The Sun is your mind feels clear and you are able to make far sighted plans.

When you draw the Sun in a tarot reading it means life is good, there is nothing to worry about for success is certain.

If you have been struggling in some areas of your life, things should become easier now. Summer maybe an important time of year for you, a time when things go well and you are able to celebrate some success or happy events like fortunate meetings,the beginning of a new career or wonderful holiday or vacations.

Children are also represented by the Sun. A child develops a natural talent, a longed for baby is born, a child who has been ill or in difficulties wins through.

Tarot Meaning The Sun reversed

Doubts surround your future plans. Vanity and arrogance are indicated as probable blocks to success is the basic tarot meaning of the Sun.

Business or romantic relationship hassle is likely. When you draw The Sun in a tarot reading it warns you to not get wrapped up in yourself so tightly that you ignore your partner's needs or you may feel taken for granted, unappreciated or feel you are not getting not enough attention.
Also one may feel he or she is putting in more than the other. Perhaps one wants to initiate new activities while the othe is resisting change.

Stop being overly dramatic. There may be worries concerning children. Hyperactive babies,children with allergies or there might be problems at school.

Thanks for visiting Tarot Meaning Information. Stay tuned for the next post the tarot meaning of Judgment.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tarot Meaning_the Moon

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information. The previous post was about the tarot meaning of the Hanged Man.

When you draw the Moon in a tarot reading, it sometimes suggests a need or longing for sleep. It can indicate water retention, menstrual problems and presence of toxins in the body.

Massage, reflexology and water based therapies are denoted by the Moon.

Another important tarot meaning of the Moon is your intuition is very strong right now, but you're still likely to be deceived.

People are acting clannish and very emotional. Don't join the crowd. Read between the lines

Tarot Meaning-The Moon reversed

You may be dealing with insincere people. Someone is lying to you.

Keep your own counsel, there is a possibility that hidden enemies are working against you is the basic tarot meaning of the Moon reversed.You may have to deal with alcoholism, drug abuse,depression or people in prison or hospital when the Moon falls in the reversed position.

Another important tarot meaning of the Moon reversed is everyone wants things done his or her way, so go easy on yourself. Take a mental health day to get away from your responsibilities. When you come back roll with the punches.

Thanks for visiting Tarot Meaning Information. Stay tuned.

Tarot Meaning-The Hanged Man

Wecome back to Tarot Meaning Information. The previous post was about the tarot meaning of Death.

When you draw the Hanged Man in a tarot reading, you have reach a temporary pause in your life and will be unable to effect changes now.

Another important tarot meaning of the Hanged Man is rise above material concerns and the way things have always been.

Relax and rethink. Try another avenue.

Allow others to change their minds and look at new options is another basic tarot meaning of the Hanged Man.Contemplate, don't agitate. Try to cultivate patience and enjoy your waiting room for you will not be in it forever.

If you question involved a decision,this is not the right time to take it. Even if you go ahead you will encounter delays. The best course is to accept that time is suspended and that waiting is inevitable just now.

Tarot Meaning Hanged man reversed

This card warns you of bad investments, loss of belongings and reversals of fortune is the basic tarot meaning of the Hanged Man reversed.

You may be pressurizing someone unwittingly in your eagerness to get things done. The hanges Man reversed advises you to stop what you are doing, remember the lessons of The Hermit and consider your actions.

Thanks for visiting Tarot Meaning Information. The next post will be the tarot meaning of the Moon.

Tarot Meaning-Death

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information. The previous post was the tarot meaning of the Devil.

When you draw Death in a tarot reading acknowledgement comes slowly. No one will offer a helping hand unless you beg for it. Another important tarot meaning of Death is, this card promises transformation, renewal and the start of a new life once you are free of the old one.

This card can also signify a loss of some kind; a relationship fails, a friendship comes to an end, a job is lost.

Don't take no for an answer and avoid self pity is another basic tarot meaning of Death.

Get rid of some old habits and stop doing anything that doesn't feel right for you.

Tarot Meaning-Death reversed

Life could indeed be boring when you draw Death. Nothing seems to have changed for a long time, everything goes on and seems to have lost its meaning.

Be prepared to lend a shoulder and a handkerchief. Ask for a favor and offer one too is the basic tarot meaning of Death reversed.

Setbacks and delays are likely. This is a great time to a healthy escapism.

Thanks for visiting Tarot Meaning Information. The next post will be the tarot meaning of Hanged Man

Tarot Meaning- Devil

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information. The previous post was the tarot meaning of Temperance.

When you draw the Devil in a tarot reading matters overpower the mind. Desires rule.

Another tarot meaning of the Devil is the pursuit of materialistic or sensual pleasures may taint your ability to think clearly.

Cleanse yourself of behaviours and habits that are doing you no good.

Tarot Meaning-Devil reversed

Things are unclear for you now. Don't let yourself be intimidated and don't judge others too harshly is the basic tarot meaning of the Devil.

Others seem uptight, set in their ways. Don't let past issues cloud today's progress.

Thanks for visiting Tarot meaning Information. Stay tuned!

Tarot Meaning of Temperance

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information.

The tarot meaning of Temperance is compromise which brings happiness. You are able to see both sides of an argument clearly and able to resolve matters successfully.

Another important tarot meaning of Temperance is you are in control of events around feel calm.

If you have been involved in any kind of dispute or disagreement you will be able to sort it out satisfactorily. This applies to personal relationships or to problems at work.

Temperance settles union disputes,negotiates wage increases, helps a couple to understand and overcome their differences and kiss and make up in consequence.

Tarot Meaning of Temperance reversed

Things are out of balance. There are quarrels and disagreements. Those around you are playing to win. When you draw Temperance in a tarot reading it warns of the danger of trying to do too much and scattering your energy. You may feel as if there's not enough hours of the day. There is so much to do and so many different activities to fit in.

The tarot meaning of this card signifies poor judgment and decisions that are taken now may be regretted later.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tarot Meaning- The Tower

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information. Today's post is about the tarot meaning of The Tower.

Exhilirating change is about to turn your life upside down. Sometimes the Tower suggest anger and you may find yourself on a very short fuse under its influence.

Another important tarot meaning of The Tower is people will have the tendency to embellish the truth, but what's necessary and real will prevail.

Another basic tarot meaning of The Tower is illusions will be shattered, enemies revealed.

Don't be upset if things don't turn out as planned.

Tarot Meaning- The Tower reversed

Cooperation is minimal, pushiness is plentiful. Be prepared to change course midstream. A fall frim glory is likely.

You are stuck in a negative situation where you cannot express yourself freely is another basic tarot meaning of the Tower.

You are unable to improve matters immediately, but this card promises that you will eventually achieve freedom at a price.

The next post will be about the tarot meaning of Temperance.