Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tarot Card Meaning-Knight of Swords

Tarot Card Meaning-Knight of Swords

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You are an understanding listener and you know just what to say to please others. But don't get too close to associates that you have a hard time to think for yourself.

Rely on your own ability to solve problems. Sudden change,new ideas and fresh plans are tarot card meanings of Knight of Swords.

There is a strong feeling of surprise which pervades information you receive at this time. whether letters, emails,phonecalls or encounters.

An old friend or ex lover could suddenly reappear in your life. The Knight of Swords represents a confident, articulate,young man with blossoming reasoning powers and a subtle wit. Physically restless, he acts quickly and may rather be impulsive.

In matters of work he may be involved in public relations, the media in general,advertising or music industry.

Tarot Card Meaning- Knight of Swords reversed

When you draw the Knight of Swords reversed in a tarot card reading, troublemakers surround you. Deal with them openly and boldly to keep them from dominating your thinking and blocking your talents.

Deceit is another tarot card meaning of this card's position. When the Knight of Swords is reversed he is treacherous and secretive. He may like the King of Swords tell clever lies,steal your best ideas for his own ends or provoke quarrels. He can be sly and deceitful beneath a misleading subterfuge of honesty.

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Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Swords

Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Swords

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Do you resent the intrusions of others in your life? Make a break. Assert yourself. Those who truly love you will stand by you.

Pleasure in words is another tarot card meaning of Page of Swords. Generally this card signifies news,contracts,documents and new plans.

The Page of Swords denotes a well-coordinated ,bright, young person who enjoys games and sports.

Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Swords reversed

When you draw the Page of Swords reversed in a tarot card reading, you often change your course of action as you work towards your goals. This isn't necessarily bad as long as you keep your goals clearly in focus.

Friends may make excessive demands. Decline kindly but firmly.

Spite is another tarot card meaning of Page of swords reversed. This card's position indicates gossip,hurtful letters and a tricky childish influence. It also denotes lies..white and grey.

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Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Pentacles

Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Pentacles

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You want to be financially independent, so why not start right away? You may have to put up with criticism from family and friends but this is the time to push forward and improve your quality of life.

The tarot card meaning of Page of Pentacles is news about money or minor property matters. There could be small monetary improvements such as a salary raise or interests on investments.

There is good news connected with family, close friends or children. When it represents a child, the Page of Pentacles siggests a steady, good natured personality. This person is unimaginative, careful and loving.

There may be weight problems or a very sweet tooth.

Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Pentacles reversed

When you draw the Page of Pentacles reversed in a tarot card reading, you are being hesitant, secretly doubting that you will succeed.

Do not be afraid of a little competition. Another tarot card meaning of this card's position is a child may be having problems with shyness. He or she could be non-communicative or moody.

Negatively, money could be rather tight just now. This is a warning against theft of material possessions. There could be unexpected bills to pay too.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-Knight of Pentacles

Tarot Card Meaning-Knight of Pentacles

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information-the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

Taking steps towards security is the most basic tarot card meaning of Knight of Pentacles. You have been questioning whether you will ever have enough money to get the things you want and need. You rarely feel discouraged but lately you lack confidence in the future.

Success is around the corner, but first you must learn to budget time and money better. This card stands for savings, loans and investors. Knght of Pentacles denotes the dawning of ambition and with the ability to work hard towards a goal.

Money may not be exactly abundant but with a firm aim in sight future rewards are more than likely.

The Knight of Pentacles may be just starting out in life yet his determined brand of ambition will eventually propel him to the top.

He is hard working and patient and rather conventional. He may seem a little slow and dull for his earthly mind lack imagination. However he is usually honest and makes a loyal friend or business partner who will not throw in the towel in the first hurdle.

Tarot Card Meaning-Knight of Pentacles reversed

When you draw the Knight of Pentacles reversed in a tarot card reading, the jey to your future financial security us to stopoverspending.. Cut back, Start looking at bottomlines, what you owe and to whom you owe it.

Another tarot card meaning of Knight of Pentacles reversed is financial strictures and career problems. It suggests over extended credit, refusal of loans or mortgages and an uncomfortable sensation of running on the spot to keep up financially.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Wands

Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Wands

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information-the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

Tact and diplomacy will bring the best results. People are in a generous mood, so dont hesistate to ask for assistance and get matters off your chest.

Another tarot card meaning of Page of Wands is opening up and feeling more creative.

Short journeys, invitations and plenty of lively conversations is indicated. Page of Wands represents a lively , intelligent child or teenager either male or female.

This card suggests the dawning of creativity and upsurge of energy.

Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Wands reversed

When you draw the Page of Wands reversed in a tarot card reading, everyone wants to get things done quickly. Dont overlook important setails in the rush to completion.

Another tarot card meaning of this card's position is disrupted communication. Slow progress in business and property matters. trips could be cancelled.

Hyperactivity, reading and writing difficulties and overall instability are all suggested by the Page of wands reversed.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-Knight of Wands

Tarot Card Meaning-Knight of Wands

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The more self asured you are the more better things will go. Everybody is playing to winm so be prepared for competition. Fight the need to have the final word.

Activity is another tarot card meaning of Knight of Wands. It also denotes short trips, new faces and places. This is a phase when you receive lots of letters or emails, phonecalls and potential job offers. socially there's plenty of invitation.

The Knight of Wands represents a sociable, intelligent young man. He has great plans for the future and with his energy and creativity he willeventually succeed. However at thisstagein life he has little staying powerm is easily bored by the daily grind and better at starting projects than following them through.

Sometimes this card can indicate an older man who is boyish character and attitude in life. He is looking for a mother figure and in business he is wishy washy.

Tarot Card Meaning- Knight of Wands reversed

When you draw the Knight of Wands reversed in a tarot card reading, dont believe everything you hear. Beware of impatience and white lies of others. Stand frim in your convictions but know when to swallow your pride.

Untrustworthy is another tarot card meaning of Knight of Wands reversed. It represents a fast talking charming rogue. A durty rotten scoundrel so to speak. He is not to be trusted in any way but can be hard to resist.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Cups

Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Cups

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information-the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

Dont get upset if things aren't going as you hoped. Be open to alternatives and prepare for a changeof plans. think before reacting, beware of childish behaviour.

Another tarot card meaning of Page of Cups is it signifies a gentle and imaginativechild or adolescent who is sensitive and loving.

Page of Cups indicates the dawning of creativity or intuitive impulses. These are likely to be expressed through dreams and reading about unexplained mysteries.

The Page of Cups may also signal some happy emotional news.

Tarot Card Meaning-Page of Cups reversed

When you draw the Page of Cups reversed in a tarot card reading, now is the time to be independent. friends and coworkers may not understand your feelings. Dont let emotions over power you and dont judge others too harshly. Patience wins in the end.

When negative, the tarot card meaning of Page of Cups reversedis it suggests an air of unreality and lack of coherence. You or someone close may be suffering from bad dreams which are difficult to comprehend.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-Knight of Cups

Tarot Card Meaning-Knight of Cups

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information-the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

A break from responsibilities soon arrives. Let others pamper you. Do something nice for yourself. The Knight of Cups most often signifies that a lover is on the way or has just entered someone's life.

Another tarot card meaning of the Knight of Cups is that it refers to classes and groups where holistic or paranormal interests are pursued. These include yoga and meditation.When indicating a person, The Knight of Cups is usually spiritual, emotional young man. He is sensitive,artistic or musical and has high ideals.

Tarot Card Meaning-Knight of Cups reversed

When you draw the Knight of Cups reversed in a tarot card reading, dont be in a hurry to get things done. Stop and think things through before acting.

Take a vacation and stay away from responsibilities. there is life beyond work. The Knight of Cups reversed suggests a young man who lacks motivation and may have emotional problems. he is rather lost, often seeking advice but rarely able to follow it through.

He is also likely to be lazy, preferring to sleep and read rather than act and find his fantasies do not live up to reality.

Another tarot card meaning of this card's position is it can stand for drugs and drug dealers and relationships which are not what they seem.

Sometimes it indicates that a lover is leaving.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Pentacles

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Pentacles

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information-the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

You may be doubting your ability to live up to your responsibilities. Believe in yourself but dont look for too much approval from others at this time.

Rewards will arrive when you work independently in your own way. Rewards and treats is another tarot card meaning of Queen of Pentacles.This card indicates a desire to enjoy and acquire beautiful material things. this card appears in the middle of a period of very hard work amd suggests a need to reward yourself with a few indulgent treats such as holidays, jewelry or other luxuries. It can denote beauty treatments,massage,new clothes,perfume, etc. She is drawn to antiques and old buildings.

The Queen of Pentacles represents a warm hearted woman, who is fond of luxury, food,good clothes and elegant places.As a friend she can provide practical support in a crisis.

As a lover she is sensual, kind and loving but requires a financially stable partner.Ahe has strong aversion to poverty.

In business, she is often successful and has a good understanding of management, budgeting and organization. She works hard and will tolerate boring activities of they are likely to lead to something better.

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Pentacles reversed

When you draw the Queen of Pentacles reversed in a tarot card reading, what you lack in daring you make up for perseverance. Stay focused and dont let others scatter your energies or sway you off course.

Greed and ambition is another tarot card meaning of this card's position. The Queen of Pentacles reversed may hint at a very selfish attitude towards money. There may be tendency to spend on yourself and forget to share success with friends and loved ones.

Queen of Pentacles represents a woman who is extremely selfish about money, food or whatever material possessions. Spending lavishly on herself with litte thought of others. She can be a gold digger who marries for money.

In business, she represents an over ambitious woamnwith a good head for money and future planning. Her work leaves little time for her to enjoy love or friendships since she values a healthly bank balance highly.

She only cultivates friendships with people who are useful to her or can help her to achieve her ambitions.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Swords

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Swords

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information-the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

Let others suffer the consequences of their actions. Be your own person and you won't get burned.

Battle of wits is another tarot card meaning of Queen of Swords. It signifies success in all creative, mental pursuits such as public speaking,writing,music and publishing.

Queen of Swords represents an intelligent,perceptive,rational,logical and very loyal woman. In extreme situation her heart is firmly ruled by her cool quick witted head. She is strong and clear headed in a crisis.

She loves a lively social life, needing the stimulation of other people's ideas and enjoying wide ranging conversation. Her friendships are rarely deep for she prefers to skim the surface and enjoys variety.

In love the Queen of Swords is idealistic and shies away from possessive or over emotional type. She is a firm believer in sexual equality. She is also graceful, her physical movements are deft, makes her an excellent dancer.

Of all the Queens, The Queen of Swords is the most likely represent an unavailable woman with whom you are having an affair.

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Swords reversed

When you draw the Queen of Swords reversed in a tarot card reading, heavy demands make you feel doubtful. Loyalty is admirable, but don't dwell too much in the past. You don't need anyone else's approval.

Another tarot card meaning of this card's postion is jealousy. Women are particularly unhelpful to you at this time and could be talking behind your back.

The Queen of Swords reversed frequently represents an enemy who is secretly spreading poisonous gossip about you. In this position she suggests a troublesome woman who maybe motivated by jealousy or sheer spite. She can be dangerous, for she is clever..

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Cups

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Cups

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information-the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

Remember that life is about more than your day to day job and worries. Take time to examine spiritual beliefs. Don't get bogged down by trivial details or the demand of others.

Another tarot card meaning of the Queen of Cups is it represents a highly imaginative, artistic often psychic woman. Her talents may be underused for she tends to be a bit lazy and also lacks confidence. In love, she is sympathetic and very loving. She may have trouvle asserting herself and always put her man first.

She is prone to bursting into tears and is very tender-hearted towards those in distress and small animals.

She can be delightfully vague and often has trouble being on time for appointments.

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Cups reversedCups reversed

When you draw the Queen of Cups reversed in a tarot card reading, those around you are acting stuffier than normal. Pay no attention. Take time to rethink matters especially your eating habits.

Emotional blocks and changeable moods is the most basic tarot card meaning of Queen of Cups reversed. This card's position may indicate repressed emotions,blocked sensuality,self pity and emotional exhaustion.

The Queen of Cups reveals a changeable over emotional woman who can also be manipulative. She may represent an emotional vampire who drains others of energy.

Sometimes this postion signifies a woman who has sustained painful emotional wounds. She may be locked into an unhappy and unfulfilling relationship or trapped in a dead end career.

Her taelnts lie dormant although she instinctively knows they are there and should be used, she does not know how to bring her about.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Wands

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Wands

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Believe in yourself- don't be afraid to take the lead. Dealings with authority figures go well. Answers arrive when you talk things out with friends and lovers.

Write letters, emails, make calls. Send faxes. Practicality counts. Another tarot card meaning of Queen of Wands is it represents an independent,charismatic,generous,accomodating,helpful,loyal woman. She makes a great friend, a good company, always full of bright ideas, often inspiring for she is positive thinker.

In love, she is passionate and sensual. She brings a sense of humor to her relationships and is rarely bad tempered for long. She loves to have fun and enjoys a lively company.

She needs admiration and reassurance in a relationship, for deep down she lacks confidence and hates to be taken for granted. Possessive behavious, frightens her away.

Tarot Card Meaning-Queen of Wands reversed

When you draw the Queen of Wands in a tarot card reading, bet only what you can afford to lose, don't take silly risks. Guard against unrealistic thinking. dare to dream, but keep both feet firmly on the ground.

Another tarot card meaning of Queen of Wands reversed, is it represents an unreliable friend. Such a person may have made promises but has no intention of keeping promises or honoring it. So do not trust that person.

Queen of Wands reversed can also signify serious trouble and aslo stands for a jealous and vengeful woman. This unstable person enjoys stirring things up and can take offense where none was intended. Keep her at arms length or she will attempt to take over your life.

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Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Cups

Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Cups

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Tender words and sympathy bring the best results. Speak from your heart. Food and drink become more appealing now, so try not to overdo it.

A sudden flirtatiom or love affair is likely. A feeling of abundant joy is often the tarot card meaning of Ten of Cups.

Valuable friendships, romantic relationships and family life are balanced and thriving bond has been established and will continue to grow. Ten of Cups foretells success. You will get your wish and events will work out to your advantage.

Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Cups reversed

When you draw the Ten of Cups reversed in a tarot card reading, be kind to strangers as well as yourself. Your emotions are unfocused. Be discreet. Follow through on promises made.

The tarot card meaning of this card's postion signifies quarrels and losses on the emotional front. People and places dear to your heart are at risk here.. It also suggests you may have to move from a much loved house, town or country.

At other times, it signifies that you may experience this sense of loss because others move away.

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Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Swords

Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Swords

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Trouble in personal relationships has been weighing on your mind. The tarot card meaning of Ten of Swords sometimes warns of betrayal of confidence abd trusts usually in the form of lies and slander. Someone goes behinf your back. Be careful in whom you confide. Keeo your own counsel, especially if other gossipy cards fall nearby like the Page of Swordsl

The written word may be source of trouble too. Think twice begore signing documents or contracts without reading then carefully.

Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Swords reversed

When you draw the Ten of Swords reversed in a tarot card reading, someone you love or respect will soon give you the stimulus you need to put your talents to good use. If you can resolve your self-doubts and fears, you'll soon prove your abilities.

The enemy within or negative thinking is often the tarot card meaning of Ten of Swords reversed. You have to overcome negative thought patterns, if you don't want difficulties ahead.

Speech often provides clues for negative thinkers or pessimistic people. They are always on the lookout for trouble, illness and expect people to treat them badly. This is often a self-fulfilling prophecy and so their lives are full of problems as a result.

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Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Pentacles

Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Pentacles

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Your imagination is second to none, so express yourself. Your talents are in demand.

Just as you attain one goal, another will emerge. Be prudent and confident.

Another tarot card meaning of Ten of Pentacles suggests money connected with family-such as inheritance, cash gifts or practical help from the family.

A family business could provide employment or a loan. There is a sense of permanence and secuirty-money can be put aside or invested for there is more than enough for your needs.

Ten of Pentacles can signify unearned money, lump sums,bonus,tax rebates, insurance money, profit on stocks and shares.

Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Pentacles reversed

When the Ten of Pentacles reversed appears in a tarot card reading, you've been busy helping others. Keep your own goals foremost in your mind. Friends will show their true colors. Be on the lookout for legal entanglements.

Family misfortune or burdensome family is often the tarot card meaning of the Ten of Pentacles reversed.

There could be anxiety and concern about an elderly relative or parent. Family traditions or expectations could be difficult to live up to and you feel restricted by your background. This card would amplify the tarot card meaning of the Hierophant or further illuminate the difficulties suggested by the Eight of Swords.

Another tarot card meaning of Ten of Pentacles reversed is financial loss often through heavy taxation.

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Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Wands

Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Wands

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The agressive pursuit of your goals will result in serious setbacks with superiors until you learn to be more restrained and original.

Break out of stubborn patterns and look for new approaches. An on the job transfer or change of status is likely.

Another tarot card meaning of Ten of Wands is burden connected with power, ambitious and success. There is fear of losing control of everything, problems with delegation is likely.

Tarot Card Meaning-Ten of Wands reversed

Focus your energy or you will waste it. Be sure you have an objective in mind an you're not just blowing off stream. End of a period of very hard work is often the tarot card meaning of Ten of Wands reversed.

Rest and relaxation are in sight. You will soon be promoted, the idea of more responsibilities is welcome.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning- NIne of Wands

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Fight for and hold onto what you believe. Your projects are near completion. Relaxation is at hand. Victory soon arrives.

Efforts have paid off. Problems have been oversome. There is only one last push required before you can relax completely.

Another tarot card meaning of NIne of Wands is, it indicates someone who feels threatened, insecure and uncertain inside. Such people may appear successful to others but have not really accepted this themselves. Perhaps they have had a long fight to get to the top or to realize their dreams and cannot forget the days when they felt vulnerable to failure.

Tarot Card Meaning- Nine of Wands reversed

When you draw the Nine of Wands reversed in a tarot card meaning, be prepared and be aware of the ruler of the games.

Arrogance creates obstacles. Rid yourself of self pity and anxiety. Tend to your health. Avoid fatigue. Meditate and exercise.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning- NIne of Cups

Tarot Card Meaning- Nine of Cups

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People are generous to those in need. Enjoy the kindness of strangers. The tarot card meaning of NIne of Cups suggests fulfillment,contentment,physical health and success.

Your dreams are about to come true. There is a joyful quality of life.

Another tarot card meaning of Nine of Cups is your relationship is particularly fulfilling. Love flows easily between partners, close family and friends.

Creative ideas are coming easily and there is plenty of energy to implement them.

Something you have wrestled with for a long time may now go go smoothly and effortlessly at last.

Tarot Card Meaning- Nine of Cups reversed

When the NIne of Cups reversed appears in a tarot card reading, postpone decision making. Weigh your options. No one minces words now. Beware of arrogance. Try to be easy going.

Warning against feeling smug and complacent is often the tarot card meaning of this card's position.

Everything may go smoothly and effortlessly. There is a tendency of becoming lazy and careless.

Another tarot card meaning of NIne of Cups reversed is that you are taking it all for granted and need to put in a bit of effort especially in relationships, both business and personal.

You may feel secure and think that you can relax completely. Your partner may not see things this way and could be feeling neglected and resentful. Do not take things for granted and let success get into your head. or you may lose everything you have worked so hard to achieve.

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Tarot Card Meaning- NIne of Swords

Tarot Card Meaning- Nine of Swords

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The most basic tarot card meaning of Nine of Swords is accumulation of stress and worry. This may be the sum total of an extremely difficult time or a dark place full of fear and suffering.

You can't sleep at night caused by high anxiety, feelings of some vague danger,depression, suspicion and self-doubt. There seems nowhere to go to and nowhere to hide. Despair seems out of control and grown into a monster.

Sometimes the Nine of Swords represents real sickness,oppressive neighbors. a painful love relationship or recent bereavement.

Ocassionally though, you have a problem but you have been blowing it all out of proportion.

Only time and courage will heal the wounds.

Tarot Card Meaning-Nine of Swords reversed

The end of a bad time is often the tarot card meaning of the NIne of Swords reversed.

Light,hope,strength and faith will triumph. Worry and stress may have been blocking emotion and sensuality for some time. Release from fear will restore harmony.

The end of a bad time is often the tarot card meaning of NIne of Swords reversed.

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Tarot Card Meaning-Nine of Pentacles

Tarot Card Meaning- NIne of Pentacles

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Secure financial plateau is often the tarot card meaning of Nine of Pentacles.

Money comes easily and is no longer a worry. Much has been achieved and you are able to enjoy yourself.
There is a strong feeling of material comfort when this card appears. You are able to enjoy your success, relish your achievements and feel complete without the approval of others.

There is much pleasure to be gained from improving your home, buying new clothes and treating yourself well.

Another tarot card meaning of NIne of Pentacles is an earthly love of nature, growing and cultivating plants.

Tarot Card Meaning-NIne of Pentacles reversed

Plan carefully for whatever you hope to achieve right now. Material security is at risk, often the tarot card meaning of NIne of Pentacles reversed.

A business may be unable to expand. There is an unexpected drain on material resources-extra expenses, insufficient capital, high interest rates, cancelled orders, bad management or bad investments.

Present standards of living will be hard to maintain and some kind of temporary loss is to be expected.

Remember for all tarot card reading needs always visit Tarot Meaning Information

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tarot Card Meaning- Eight Of Cups

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Self sacrifice is likely to be asked of you. Beware of quarrels; use caution in negotiating affairs of the heart.

Attention span are running short so don't take anything too personally. Count your blessings and try to be content with what you have.The most basic tarot card meaning of Eight of Cups is it speaks of situation or relationship which has been significant.

Energy and emotion have been invested during the past and now you are moving away and abandoning what has been achieved.

Sometimes you realize that a relationship or project was not what you thought it was. It lacks substance somehow and has not brought you the happiness you imagined it would. You feel empty.

Another tarot card meaning of Eight of Cups is an actual journey or a period of restless traveling. These trips may eventually provide the answers to whats been bugging you.

Tarot Card Meaning-Eight of Cups reversed.

Emotions run high. Let go of situations that no longer concern you. Spend some time and money on the things that make you feel good.

A period of emotional confusion is the basic tarot card meaning of Eight of Cups reversed.

Fantasies are preferred to reality. There is a feeling of quiet desperation. Its hard to see the way ahead.

Another tarot card meaning of Eight of Cups reversed is physical exhaustion. There are too many problems and not enough energy to solve them. A failed relationship is often the caused of this. An endless search for perfection in either work or love. As perfection is unattainable, the search ends in disappointment.

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Tarot Card Meaning- Eight Of Swords

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

Be easy going when you encounter opposition from stubborn people. Postpone ultimatums.

When you draw the Eight of Pentacles in a tarot card reading, don't accept everything as a fact. Update your resume and open your mind to new business deals.

A period of temporary restriction is the most basic tarot card meaning of Eight of Swords.

Mentally, you feel trapped and seem unable to break free.

You are unable to see the solutions to problems at the moment and feel very much alone in dealing with difficulties.

Another tarot card meaning of Eight of Swords is worry. A lot of mental energy is going to be wasted when this card appears. Indecision and constant fretting are energy blocks. However this situation must be faced squarely and some decision arrived at, in the near future.

Outside help may be needed to put problems in perspective or to analyze them clearly. Unexpected solutions to difficulties are possible.

Tarot Card Meaning-Eight of Swords reversedWhen you draw the Eight of Swords reversed in a tarot card reading, this means a slowing down period, delivers options and freedom from restriction. Results won't be instant.

Renewed confidence is the most basic tarot card meaning of this card's position. A sense of relaxation enable you to solve problems and move forward once again.

Another tarot card meaning of Eight of Swords reversed is, a quarrelsome patch and selfish behaviour. One partner may be trying to dominate the other or generally throwing weight around. Other cards will indicate whether this is passing phase or signifies deeper problems.

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Tarot Card Meaning- Eight Of Pentacles

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

You want what's best for your loved ones and co workers and you have the strength to provide it. But you have lots to learn. If you lack information have the determination to find it.

When you draw the Eight of Pentacles in a tarot card reading new skills, practical abilities is the best tarot card meaning of Eight of Pentacles.

It often signifies training,apprenticeship or further education of some kind like short courses or evening classes. It denotes all kinds of courses especially those which are taken as part of existing career or job. Knowledge and skills are being expanded.

Another tarot card meaning of Eight of Pentacles is prudence. It signifies savings,small gifts or money and careful financial management.

Tarot Card Meaning-Eight of Penatcles reversed
Problems with work is the tarot card meaning of Eight Of pentacles reversed. You may be in the wrong job or misusing your talents. Sometimes this misuse has mildly criminal overtones and refers to cash earned by moonlighting or other undeclared income.

It can denote dishonest business practices and shady deals.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning- Eight Of Wands

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All your plans have a green light. Move ahead. Your understanding of people and their problems delivers opportunities to get what you want.

Friends and nature bring remedies for what ails you. Speed or action is the most basic tarot card meaning of the Eight of Wands.

News, letters.emails and phonecalls all sorts of communication are highlighted now and should be bringing changes. This card denotes fresh ideas nd business expansions.

Sometimes it relates to your social life and suggests that new friends or perhaps a romantic interest are about to brighten your days.

Another tarot card meaning of Eight of Wands suggests travel, the open sky and denotes love of the outdoors, sport and physical freedom. Excess physical energy may be enjoyably worked off outdoors.

Tarot Card Meaning-Eight of Wands reversedYour energy is scattered. Think before you act. Don't ignore the chain of command. Another tarot card meaning of Eight of Wands when you draw it in a tarot card reading is trying to get things done in great hurry can often result in mistakes.

The Eight of Wands reversed warns against sudden decisions or actions, above all against comitting anything rash on paper.

Sometimes sudden events outside your control can disrupt the best laid plans when this card appears. Strikes, demonstrations or transport disputes could hold you up or slow you down.

This is not a good time to try and get somewhere in a hurry. It might be better to rearrange trips or allow extra time for them if they are important.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tarot Card Meaning-King Of Cups

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Go easy on yourself and accept what the day brings. Control your temper, don't take criticism personally.Try not to feel pressured by deadlines.

Cultural and spiritual activities is also the tarot card meaning of King of Cups. It denotes wide range of artistic and cultural activities.

King of Cups can also stand for New Age businesses, movements,spiritual ideals and secret organizations.

King of Cups represents the most feminine of the four Kings. He is usually highly sensitive,intuitive and they are often found in creative jobs. Even in more conventional careers he can be eccentric, making decisions and investments because he feels they are right rather than for any logical reason. These hunches may lead him to become successful.

King of Cups is powerfully charismatic. Many people will find him magnetic yet difficult. He makes a dangerous enemy rarely forgetting a betrayal and able to wait for revenge.

In love, he is highly sexed and emotional. His sensitivity is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand he is kind and thoughtful on the other he imagines insults where none was intended. He can also be very moody and prone to fits of jealousy. However he is rarely boring or predictable.

Tarot Card Meaning-King of Cups reversed

When you draw the King of Cups reversed in a tarot card reading, your associates seem to be plodding along very slowly. Keep a backup plan handy in case they can't keep up.

Exaggeration is in the stars, so read between the lines.

Depressive,escapist and unfaithful is the tarot card meaning of King of Cups reversed. Like the King of Wands he can indicate an unfaithful partner. However, the King of Cups is so emotional and easily led sxually that he may give his partner the impression he is passionately in love with them.

The King of Cups reversed displays escapist tendencies such as heavy drinking,unreliability or even drug taking. He can be emotionally repressed finding it almost impossible to articulate his needs and feelings.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-King Of Pentacles

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When you draw the King of Pentacles in a tarot card reading,stop trying to be jack of all trades. Specialize.

You have strong sensual and physical desires just now. Don't let your sense of self discipline interfere with your personal happiness and fulfillment.

Gradual material improvement is another tarot card meaning of King Of Pentacles. It signifies financial improvement,promotions and gradual establishment of a profession or business.

King of Pentacles represents a man who is responsible cautious and good in business.His patience pays off for he has the foresight to plan carefully ahead. Since material security is important to him he usually got something tucked away for a rainy day and is often well off or even wealthy.

In private, he is loyal, patient,reliable,sensual and loves the good things in life. He is conservative. He prefers traditional surroundings. Sometimes he can be possessive due to his depth of feeling and need for security.

His company is sometimes boring but he is constant.

Tarot Card Meaning-King of Pentacles reversed

When you draw the King of Pentacles reversed in a tarot card reading, you are being extremely sensitive, more vulnerable to the suggestions of others. Stop it.

Fear of competition and growth will only delay desired outcomes. Act now to meet your goals.

Tell you partner your objectives and feelings. don't be afraid of rejection.

Another tarot card meaning of King of Pentacles reversed is probable business failure or insufficient capital or delay concerning a loan.

When King of Pentacles represents a person, he is stingy, boring character. He is stubborn.

In love, his possessiveness and jealousy may overwhelm and ruin the relationship.

In business he is unable to take the tiniest risk might lead to this downfall for he is unable to take advantage of the opportunity....strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-King Of Wands

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You are about to be surprisingly successful in navigating extremely complex situations as you strive toward meeting some of your long range goals.

Cooperation in professional projects brings great rewards. The tarot card meaning of King Of Wands is some kind of formal financial agreement as in property settlement. It may suggest a legacy, business wheeling and dealing all types of negotiations.

It signifies charities and philanthropic organizations.

King of Wands often represents an energetic,fairminded and hard working man whom you are likely to meet at work or through business connections.

In private King of Wands is romanitc, man with a good sense of humor, usually an excellent company,generous,trustworthy and creative. His fondness for the countryside leads him to live there especially later in life for he loves to spend time outdoors.

Tarot Card Meaning-KIng of Wands reversedWhen you draw the King of Wands reversed in a tarot card reading seek new options for growth and utilize your skills.

Stay firmly within ethical boundaries when you act and don't be too agressive. King of Wands reversed may reveal an unpleasant character.

This card represents a person whose views are narrow. He is selfish,intolerant, ambitious and full of drive. Little will stop him on his road to the top.

In business this man is not to be trusted and he could be manipulating you to achieve his own ends.

In relationships he suggests someone who is lively and interesting. This attractive man makes a marvelous companion in the short term. Do not raise your hopes or make wedding plans for he loves his freedom and is not ready to take love seriously. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Another tarot card meaning of King Of Wands reversed indicates the male partner in an illicit love affair. When other cards such as Lovers reversed suggest this he will be charming and fun to be with but ultimately unavailable. if you fall in love with him in these situations you are surely to be playing with fire and expect yourself to get burned.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-King Of Swords

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

Your keen imagination helps you achieve independence.

Cultivate your talents. Seek the company of those who truly cares about you. Good clean advice is the basic tarot card meaning of the King of Swords when you draw it in a tarot card reading.
When the KIng of Swords represents a man, he is clever,logical and has a bright and restless mind.

He is an entertaining companion and often a charming flirt. He requires lots of mental stimulation from friends and lovers.

He enjoys burning off a lot of mental energy by playing mental games such as crossword puzzles,chess and card games.

Tarot Card Meaning-King Of Swords reversed.

When you draw the King of Swords reversed in a tarot card reading, jealousy is supreme in you or those around you. Watch out for narrow minds and prejudice.

Develop your intellectual skills,play your hunches.

This card's position indicates a masterful liar who is able to run rings around slower trusting type of people. He makes destructive use of words.

Another tarot card meaning of the King of Swords reversed indicates an intelligent but malicious man who could be making trouble for you. He is capable of generating written libel or spoken slander or drafting documents full of traps contracts.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

List Of Tarot Card Meanings

To recap what we covered here at Tarot Meaning Information-the hub for tarot card reading essentials here is the List of Tarot Card Meanings Part 1

Magician Tarot Card Meaning
High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning
Empress Tarot Card Meaning
Fool Tarot Card Meaning
Emperor Tarot Card Meaning
Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning
Strength Tarot Card Meaning
Lovers Tarot Card Meaning
Hermit Tarot Card Meaning
Justice Tarot Card Meaning
Chariot Tarot Card Meaning
Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning
Star Tarot Card Meaning

Look for The List of Tarot Card Meanings Part2 in future posts here at Tarot Meaning Information-the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

Tarot Card Meaning-Seven of Cups

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

Multitude of choices and possibilities is the basic tarot card meaning of the Seven of Cups.

Truth is soon revealed. Act kindly and calmly. This is no time to lose your cool.

When you draw the Seven of Cups in a tarot card reading, there are many ifs and buts, doubts and illusions about practical matters. Nothing is clear although it all sounds wonderful.

Confusion reigns. So sit back and wait and see how things develop, for they may not be exactly as they seem.

There is a danger of getting carried away and scattering your energy in too many direction.

Another tarot card meaning of this card is emotional choice. There may be several potential partners, you like them all but are not drawn strongly in any one direction. Do not act impulsively your judgment is unsound at the moment. Adopt a wait and see policy until you feel less confused.

Tarot Card Meaning-Seven of Cups reversed

When you draw the Seven of Cups reversed in a tarot card reading, make sure you are speaking clearly high strung emotions could cloud your message.

This card warns of deception, you could be deceiving yourself in some way or living in a fantasy world.

If you have been successful recently in your endeavours do not rest on your laurels. Don't become too complacent. There is danger here that you will just sit back, imagining future triumphs and forget to work towards them.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tarot Card Meaning-Seven of Pentacles

Welcome back to Tarot Meaning Information-the hub for tarot card reading essentials.

You hate to be broke, but don't overburdened yourself to make ends meet.

This card denotes many worries after accompanying period of very hard work.

A loan may have been taken out to finance a new business or career. You are concerned about how to pay it back. There is plenty of work but it is not paying very well. It may seem pointless.

When Seven of Pentacles appears in a tarot card reading, it seems as if you have thrown your money or talents away. Yet these worries and fears and disappointments are usually illusory and groundless.

If you are doing work which brings fulfillment, it will expand and grow.

Charity work is also another tarot card meaning of the seven of Pentacles. Satisfying and productive on non monetary levels.

Tarot Card Meaning-Seven of Pentacles reversed

Reassessment is the basic tarot card meaning of the Seven of Pentacles reversed. Hard work for very little reward, nothing tangible is being produced, all your hard work seems to be in vain.

When Seven of Pentacles reversed appear in a tarot card reading, your attitudes towards money may undergo a positive change. An increased sense of self worth and practicality will help you assert yourself in this area.

Do not exhaust yourself any further either by worrying about money or by slaving away fruitlessly.

Reassess your talents, dreams and directions and prepare to start again.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information

Tarot Card Meaning-Seven of Swords

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Making plans becomes problematic. Friends may let you down. You can't lose what's not yours to begin with.Get everything in writing.

New ideas, fresh mental input at work, general movement and change are all tarot card meaning of Seven of Swords.

It can denote someone with a variable work flow, such as self-employed people. They pour energy into something for a time and then doing nothing.Conversely it can refer to someone who cannot sustain energy or effort for long. Restless airy mind,boredom and fear of being trapped couls all be the cause.

This particular individual could still succeed but need to accept the fact that he or she requires regular mental stimulus and change.

Another tarot card meaning of Seven of Swords is theft of ideas. Be careful about sharing your ideas, you may find a pet project has been taken away from you or someone beat you to it. Unintentional betrayal or tactlessness could also affect your life in some way.

Tarot Card Meaning- Seven of Swords reversed

Superficiality is the basic tarot card meaning of the Seven of Swords reversed. There is something slick, false and insubstantial about conversations,promises or compliments denoted by this card.

When the Seven of Swords appear in a tarot card reading, you are in danger of being manipulated, given the wrong advice or talked into some scheme you may regret later.

Do not believe all you hear and read, this card's position is full of tricks and traps for the unwary.

You are finding it difficult to decide and act because you may be tormented with an overactive mind filled with negative thoughts.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information.

Tarot Card Meaning-Seven of Wands

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Standing up for your rights is the tarot card meaning of Seven of Wands. This card appears when someone is about to give up. The overall feeling of"i can't fight anymore, everything is against me, it's no use....." is suggested here .

Yet with a little more effort and firm faith in the future, success is assured. Faith overcomes your present obstacles.You have the power to accomplish your goals. Consider all the consequences but not swiftly.

Tarot Card Meaning-Seven of Wands reversed

Don't be indecisive.When the Seven of Wands reversed appears in a tarot card reading, it means insecurity,hesitation and fear.

Here is a warning against losing some golden opportunity, because you are afraid to take a risk, there's a fear of failing and commitment.

Encouragement is required if you are to make a necessary decision. Failure to take this step will result in regret at a later date.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information

Tarot Card Meaning-Six of Cups

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Happy memories is one of the tarot card meaning of Six of Cups.

Six of Cups is strongly link to your past. It denotes childhood memories,past lovers,old friends and colleagues. The past connects a useful purpose to your present. A former contact of yours will be in touch soon. A past lover could be coming back to your life or you could renew a former friendship to serve as a bridge to new ones.

Another tarot card meaning of the Six of Cups when you draw it in a tarot card reading is past efforts are being rewarded.

This card can be telling you that the answer to your questions lies in the past. Talents you had at school could be applied to present pursuits. If you are uncertain about what to do, try to remember what made you happy in the past. Hobbies and interests you used to enjoy could offer valuable clues for future fulfillment.

Tarot Card Meaning-Six of Cups reversed

Make good on all your promises but don't give in to unreasonable demands from others.

Be constructive in your efforts to solve problems, refrain from being pushy. Find time for deep belly laughs and friends.

Cutting the cords of the past is another tarot card meaning of this card's position, the past is holding you back in some way and blocking your progress

Nostalgia and sentimentality are clouding your vision The past you see never really existed. There is a tendency to blame all your problem on this less than perfect beginning and so little is achieved.

A fresh start is what is required plus a concerted effort to live in the present.

Remember for all your tarot card reading needs visit Tarot Meaning Information